Author Archives: Jeana

What Do Customers Look for When Grabbing Shopping Baskets?

A shopper holding a shopping basket

When a customer walks into a store, the first thing they often seek is a shopping basket. Unbeknownst to many store owners, a multitude of factors go into this seemingly mundane decision. Understanding these factors can significantly improve a customer’s shopping experience and, consequently, enhance customer retention and sales. There are a host of considerations…

Shopping Carts Left in Parking Lots: How It Happens and How to Prevent It

A shopping cart in a parking lot

Have you ever heard that what you do with your shopping cart when you’re done with it says a lot about you? You’ve probably noticed this phenomenon before—shopping carts left haphazardly in parking lots, abandoned on sidewalks, or even stolen outright. These situations are more common than you might think, and they carry substantial implications…

Metal vs. Plastic Shopping Carts: Which Is Right for Your Store?

shopping carts

When it comes time for that initial order or replacement of a fleet of shopping carts for your store, you may find yourself mulling over some questions about what to purchase. How large do your carts need to be? What kinds of features will they require for your target shoppers? And are metal or plastic…

What Do Your Shopping Baskets Say About Your Store?

Man putting something in his shopping basket

You know that your customers’ shopping experience at your store is a comprehensive journey—it begins when they park their car in your parking lot and extends to their experience navigating your aisles and checking out with your sales clerks. But you may not realize that your shopping baskets—a critical piece of the customer journey—can convey…

How the Right Cart or Basket Color Boosts Your Business

red shopping basket

When you’re looking into purchasing a new fleet of shopping carts or baskets for your store, there’s a lot you’ll need to consider. For one, are shopping carts or baskets best for your establishment? What features are you looking for to enhance your shoppers’ experience? And how can you promote brand awareness and build customer…