Author Archives: Jeana

Are Tall Shopping Baskets Appropriate for My Store?

Three grey shopping baskets with "custom logo" on the sides

The shopping baskets you provide for your customers can have major implications on your sales and reputation. Offering the wrong-sized baskets can make shopping trips less enjoyable for your customers while simultaneously restricting the size of their purchases. Likewise, failing to provide enough baskets for everyone can lead to frustration. With all this in mind,…

How Do I Make Sure My Carts and Baskets Are On-Brand?

Four shopping baskets, each a different color

What do your shopping carts and baskets do for your business? Obviously, these vessels provide your customers with convenient means of transporting the various items they grab from the shelf. Upon closer inspection, however, you’ll realize that your baskets and carts also have implications for your business’ branding. Treating your customers well is paramount to…

Pros and Cons of Roller Baskets

If you want to keep your customers around, it’s important to provide them with the right resources for their shopping trips. Shopping carts and baskets are vital vessels for helping shoppers carry their stuff around before finally checking out and loading up their vehicles. However, not all carts and baskets are created equal. Not only…

Best Shopping Carts for Hardware Stores

Man and woman shopping.

Your hardware store is a one-stop-shop for DIY types, contractors, and more. With so many products on your shelf, you can expect customers to pick up more than a few items when they stop in. Rather than make these customers carry everything in their arms, you’ll want to supply baskets and/or carts to make the…

How Many Tub Carts Should I Get for My Warehouse?

Double tub shopping cart

Warehouses rely on various types of machinery and tools to successfully operate and safely store their stock. Without this equipment, warehouse workers would struggle to efficiently stock and retrieve items, and storefronts would lack what they need to keep customers satisfied. Carts are simple but incredibly useful pieces of equipment in warehouses, allowing employees to…