Category Archives: Blog

Are Double Steel Basket Carts Too Big for My Store?

Double steel shopping carts

Every facility has a limited amount of space, though some certainly have more or less than others. Knowing this, every item you bring into your store should be put there for a reason. Without proper discretion, your location can quickly become overwhelmed by products and resources that interfere with your customers and employees rather than…

Steel vs. Plastic Carts

Row of orange shopping carts

Maintaining an appropriate stock of quality shopping carts is essential for any grocery or retail store. These mobile vessels allow your shoppers to carry several items along their journey, leading to bigger purchases and satisfied customers. That said, all carts are not created equal. Shopping carts come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and…

Cleaning Tips for Shopping Baskets

Man cleaning shopping carts

If the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us of anything, it’s that germs are all around us. This might be a scary notion for some, but there’s no avoiding it. That said, the more we can do to mitigate the spread of germs from one person to another, the better off we’ll all be. Grocery…

What Kind of Stores Typically Have Double Basket Carts?

Double basket shopping cart

As someone who owns or manages a store, you know how much goes into keeping your customers satisfied each and every day: stellar customer service, provision of the goods and services they desire, an inviting atmosphere, and so on. The devices you offer your customers to accompany their journey (i.e., carts and baskets) also factor…

Best Rebrand Ideas for My Shopping Carts and Baskets

Customer using green shopping cart

A brand change is a big deal. In order to properly pull off such a transition, you must cover all of your bases, like marketing materials, store layout, product/service offerings, aesthetics, and, in some cases, the very structure of your business. Neglecting even seemingly minor aspects of your business during this shift can send conflicting…