Tag Archives: shopping cart repair

Answering Common Questions About Shopping Cart Repair

A damaged metal shopping cart

Shopping carts, used by dozens to hundreds of customers a day, endure a lot of wear and tear over time. From squeaky wheels to broken handles, shopping cart issues can frustrate customers and disrupt store operations. Maintaining carts in good condition not only ensures a smooth shopping experience but also helps retailers save on costly replacements. Let’s look at some of these practical maintenance solutions, starting with a couple of frequently asked questions.

Shopping Carts: Repair or Replace?

New shopping cart in a grocery aisle.

Shopping carts are an essential part of any retail business, especially supermarkets and department stores. When they are damaged or worn out, the store owner is presented with a choice: to repair or replace them. Both options come with their unique advantages and drawbacks. It’s essential to weigh these carefully, as the wrong decision can…