Tag Archives: shopping carts

Shopping Small: Do Retail Customers Prefer Carts or Baskets?

Good L Corp mini basket with groceries

The term “shopping small” has three major meanings: it might refer to purchasing physically smaller items; spending less money during a shopping trip (i.e. a smaller bill); or supporting local small businesses. Regardless of how this phrase is used, though, the customer is always at the center. Put another way, in order for retail businesses…

Where to Store Rolling Shopping Carts

Rolling shopping cart stored

For retail and grocery stores to succeed, they must create a convenient shopping experience for all of their customers. This is easier said than done, however, considering how many factors play into keeping customers satisfied. For instance, different shoppers have different needs and preferences when it comes to shopping — some would rather grab a…

Shopping Carts: These Features Improve Portability

When customers enter a retail or grocery store, they want their experience to be as frictionless as possible. Many factors contribute to a positive shopping experience, such as a practical, straightforward store layout and great customer service. But if people can’t easily maneuver a store’s aisles, all other considerations fall away. This is why shopping…

Are Your Shopping Carts Truly Heavy Duty?

Shopping cart on orange floor

When investing in a fleet of new shopping carts, retailers and grocers have several decisions to make: How many carts are needed for a given store? What types of carts are optimal for the store’s shoppers? How will these carts be stored? Should carts be customized? While all of these questions are important, one factor…

Personal Shopping Carts: Choose One with the Right Features for Your Store

Family with a boy in the shopping cart

Retail businesses like yours must employ many tactics to maximize sales. You might update your marketing strategy, adjust your merchandising displays, or offer limited-time sales and incentives to draw customers in. While strategies such as these are effective, there are other, subtler ways to boost sales, too, such as simply offering the right types of…