Tag Archives: shopping carts

Best Rebrand Ideas for My Shopping Carts and Baskets

Customer using green shopping cart

A brand change is a big deal. In order to properly pull off such a transition, you must cover all of your bases, like marketing materials, store layout, product/service offerings, aesthetics, and, in some cases, the very structure of your business. Neglecting even seemingly minor aspects of your business during this shift can send conflicting…

How to Maintain Carts During Everchanging Spring Weather

Shopping cart full of spring flowers

The phrase, “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb,” certainly rings true, but it might be more accurate to state that spring weather as a whole is often unpredictable and dynamic. A chilly, windy, rainy day in April or May might quickly give way to warmer temperatures and sunshine. Whatever…

Why Basket Visibility Is So Important

Stack of red shopping baskets

In previous entries, we’ve gone over the importance of providing your customers with quality shopping baskets. However, simply stocking up on these vessels won’t do your business much good if your shoppers can’t easily access them. In other words, you must not only have enough baskets on hand to satisfy all of your customers and…

How to Color Match New Carts With Old

Woman sitting in a pink shopping cart

As we’ve gone over many times before, your store’s shopping carts are more than merely mobile vessels for your shoppers — they are also key branding materials for your business. When thoughtfully customized, your carts help you transmit and cement your brand identity. The bright crimson carts (stamped with iconic white targets) of a certain…

Are Steel Carts Ok in the Winter?

Line of steel shopping carts in winter

Winter has a way of throwing a wrench in the works of all businesses — if you operate a retail or grocery store and live in a particularly wintry region, you know this better than anyone. Once the cold weather comes to town, you have to make a slew of seasonal considerations, such as keeping…